Sunday, October 16, 2011

Small signs Of Judgment Day

Judgement Day has small and large signs. Among the small signs are : The emergence of the riots, many of the killings, widespread crime, the ugliness and munkar. Such as adultery, liquor, gambling and pride to do evil, to the extent that persons holding steadfast in religion (weight) as those holding burning coals.

Other small Signs are, poverty, science, the spread of stupidity, the large number of women and the small number of men, wearing silk fun, partying with music and slut. Until the people who ran into grave will say. "I wish I replace him." The emergence of the preachers who mislead, corrupt government, the loss of the attitude of trust by entrusting something in addition to experts. Likewise, the less kindness, frequent rains, earthquakes, and inflation. The women did not hesitate to come out with minimal makeup and half-naked dress.

Other signs, the fierce battle for Muslim-Jewish, Muslims killing Jews until they were hiding behind rocks and trees. rocks and the trees are saying. "O Muslim servant of Allah, a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him!" except Gharqad tree, It did not say so, because he was one of the Jewish tree.

Including a small sign like this, time seemed to pass quickly. Until a year like a month, a month like a week, a week like a day, and a day like an hour or like a sparks. So also the emergence of the phenomenon of lazy prayers, the tendency in things that smell lust, trust the "handyman"
lie and deny the people trusted, believed "handyman" treacherous and betraying the good guys. Ignore Al-Qur 'an. Talks revolves around the women's race, color the mosques.

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