Friday, October 7, 2011

Liking Someone Just Because Allah Almighty

By Aid Abdullah al-Qarni

The definition of "person" in this hadith in the opinion of the scholars addressed to a Muslim, because in fact we are encouraged to take those loyal friends who come from among Muslims as a whole. But, of course, relationships and love are placed in different portions, because they have adjusted to the level of fidelity and closeness to Allah Ta'ala is concerned.

"Whoever among them (among the Muslims) are more durhakanya, means we have more hate and more away from it. Whoever more obedience to Allah Ta'ala, means we have more love and more closer to him." 
However, you will find some, if there are others who come to him with humble appearance, he was immediately squelched by uncontrollably, and thought him as a person Fasiq and suspected him with nonsensical things. This attitude shows keminiman religious knowledge is concerned. In fact, we are commanded to be fair adlam middle and everything. Alalh Ta'ala says:

وكذلك جعلناكم أمة وسطا

"And so (too) We have made you (Muslims) are fair and choice." (Surat Al-Baqarah [2]: 143)

ومن يؤت الحكمة فقد أوتي خيرا كثيرا

"And whoever is given wisdom, really been given a lot of virtue." (Surat Al-Baqarah [2]: 269)

Lessons drawn from the above understanding to encourage us to put things in their places.
Including the wise attitude is if you are righteous people, so many hadiths that this chapter explores, among other things contained in the Book of Saheeh Muslim. Shallahu Prophet alaihi wa sallam said:

"Allah Almighty called on the Day of Resurrection: 'Where is the people who love each other because of my greatness, as of today I'm going to overshadow them in the shade of my day is no shade, except my only shelter'." (Narrated by Muslim)

In an authentic hadith others mentioned that among the seven kinds of people who get the shade of Allah on the day there is no shade except His shade is:

"And the men who love each other because of God, they meet for God, and separated for God anyway." (Narrated by Bukhari)

    Ibn Umar had said, "By Allah. If I had fasting (sunnah) during the day without ever breaking, do praying qiyaam night without sleep, and spend as much as possible hartak in Allah's way, but then I do not like the people who obey and does not hate the people handyman immoral, surely I fear when God will overthrew me to face below into hell. "

This, because Islam is a religion of mutual love and religion that is clean, not a religion of falsehood. Therefore, we see there are some people who do shalalt, fasting, Hajj and Umrah, even so they are offended, because they like and bertemuan loyal to the people who love the damage and munkar.
It is compulsory for a Muslim like the presumption should not except those who fear Him and do not hate anyone except those who rebel, although he was his own brother, father, or mother. Because the Prophet alaihi shallahu wassalam said:

"Someone's going to follow the guidance of his closest friends." (Narrated by Abu Dawood)

Only an expert is religion that deserve to be friends in this life, as scholars of religion as expressed by Al-Hasan Al-Basri will always keep your honor, whether you're there or when you are not there.
Compulsory for a Muslim is as I have said since all, hendaknyalah she loves the righteous people and approach them and hate them tidask. Hating them was tantamount to plunge themselves into ruin.

Rahimatullah Imam Shafi'i said, "I love my righteous people, meksipun I'm not including them in the hope of hopefully I get syafa'at (of God) thanks to them. And I hate people whose work immoral, even though we are equal in terms of employment ".

Then the students of Imam Ahmad, in his praise to his teacher said, "You love the righteous people, because you are one of them, you are the only thanks we get syafa'at."
Imam Ahmad said that because Imam Shafi'i including family Shallahu Prophet alaihi wassalam (from among the Bani Hashim).

Among atsar quoted from al-Hasan Ibn Ali Ibn Abu Talib, the prince of the youth of Paradise, says that she likes to sit together with the poor, and would not eat unless along with them, so his attitude was the subject of gossip of people .

He replied, "I have heard that Allah Ta'ala had revealed to Dawood alaihis greeting," Hi David, I see you like to sit together with the upper class people. If you do not want adzab touched by me, then sit down together with the the poor, eat with them, and drink along with them '. " Wallahu'alam.

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