Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fasting and Honesty

by Agustianto Mingka
    In today's era of materialism, honesty has been widely cast of socially-economic governance and political and removed from the frame of human life. The phenomenon of dishonesty really has become a disturbing social realities. Drama dishonesty has now lasted so transparent and has become a kind of common knowledge that penetrated into various areas of human life.

    Honest human figure has become a rare creature on this earth. We are more easy to find people smarter than honest people. Greed and avarice for material things, resulting in people getting away from the values ​​of honesty and crashing in a swamp of materialism and hedonism that tends to justify any means.

   At the present time, many people do not care about the streets clean and unclean in the search for money and position. So we often hear expressions of the materialists, "Finding it difficult unlawful, let alone a halal". Even people always say, "if truth be lying", "if going straight skinny", when upright will run over ".

   The expressions show that the human era has now been hit by extraordinary mental illness,  illness corruption and dishonesty.

    Prophet Muhammad Saw predict ever, that one day, at the end of time, human beings in search of treasure, no longer care which is halal and what is haram. (Muslim).

    Prophecy prophet today has become a terrible social reality, even the implication has become a severe social pathology, such as the proliferation of corruption, extortion, bribery, kickbacks, facilitation payments, etc.. Many of us find the thieves tie to deviations in managing projects. Human vying pursuit of wealth and luxury the world as a massive, regardless of ruler-Islamic ruler and morality.

    Reform era that has lasted over seven years, with a determination to combat all forms of collusion, corruption and nepotism, has been established through-even-MPR (highest government institute in Indonesia) has not shown signs and encouraging results, because, collusion, corruption and bribery are still become a habit of our society. To overcome and reduce all these destructive, fasting is worship of the most potent and effective, provided that the implementation of the fasting is done with a solid foundation of faith in God, and introspective, and a deep appreciation of the wisdom contained in the fasting of Ramadan.

Fasting trains honesty

   In contrast to the existing nature of worship, fasting is worship sirriyah (secret). It is said sirriyah, because who knows someone is fasting or not, only those who fast themselves and Allah Almighty.

    In fasting, we are trained and required to be honest. We can only eat and drink casually in a quiet place that is not seen one. But we will not want to eat or drink, because we are fasting. In fact, no one else who knows whether we are fasting or not. But we believe our actions were seen God Almighty ..

    People who are fasting can also be rinsed freely while holding a drop of fresh water into the esophagus, without the slightest note of others. Act of that person known only by the person concerned. Only God and the person of the shaim that's all that really know the honesty or fraud in running fast. But with the fasting, we do not dare do anything like that, afraid of fasting canceled.

    People who fasted trained to recognize the presence of God. He trained to be aware that their activities must be identified and supervised by God SWT. If awareness of this divinity was incarnate in a person by means of training and discipline of fasting, then God willing, will awaken the nature of honesty.
If an honest man has been born, and occupy every sector and its agencies, business organizations or institutions whatever, then there's no more corruption, extortion, bribery and other moral deviations.

    Honesty is a mosaic that is very expensive. If the person of a human being has the inherent nature of honesty, then all the work mandated to it and trust that can be resolved properly and avoid abuses. Honesty also ensure justice and truth.

    Psychologically, honesty brings peace of soul. Conversely, one who is honest will have the heart to cover up the truth and would do injustice to the rights of people lain.unhonest always disturbing society, which in turn threatens social stability. Always implies dishonesty injustice. Because dishonest people will bear to trample on justice for the sake of material gain personal or group.

    Be honest, truly becomes meaningful in the present,, a period full of lies and falsehood. The importance of honesty has a lot be delivered by the Prophet Muhammad. Narrated that, the Prophet once approached by an adulterer who wants to repent in truth. Prophet accepted with one condition, namely, that the person be honest and not lying

    Terms which look very light for a large repentance, but its application in all aspects of life very hard. And was honest condition is very powerful to stop the act of adultery. If he remains committed adultery in secret, and how he should respond if the Prophet asked him about whether he still or not.To avoid adultery or lie to the Prophet, then the end behavior adulterer who lies and then truly repent with a full appreciation.

    From the history it can be concluded, that honesty is very significant in cleaning deviant behavior, such as corruption, collusion, fraud, manipulation, bribery and so on.

     Today the nature of consciousness to cultivate honesty as the fruit of fasting, it is necessary to get serious attention. Education honesty inherent in the worship of fasting, need to be developed as part of life in society riel. Because if honesty has been removed, then the community will be worse condition. Corruption and collusion going on everywhere, rampant illegal payments, unjust accidentally backed by certain elements to get their deposit money.

    And the exclusion of the nature of the phenomenon lies honesty, community and our nation to deliver on some national catastrophe that took place in a row and turns endlessly. The occurrence of a disastrous economic crisis in Indonesia was the nation's most clear mirror of the growing loss of soul. honesty and the flowering of falsehood in the life of our nation.

   In the face of serious cases like that, prophetic messages of religious fasting as the noble message can be transformed to dismantle the cage of falsehoods and made up of honesty.

    There are pessimists who argue that the era of materialism built on honesty is a utopia (wishful thinking) mengakarnya considering the nature of dishonesty in society and our nation. As a believer who bears the rank khairah ummah, pessimistic attitude above should be thrown far away. because good movement based faith, must still launched, so that the constellation of the world is not getting worse. 


     Reality shows, that the splendor of Ramadan from year to year increase, but ironically, along with fraud and dishonesty it still goes on. In fact, a month and we trained students to be honest, being a trustworthy person. If for one month, the people who fasted really seriously practicing with a full appreciation of the wisdom of fasting, then the beam will be reflected honesty of their souls. If the fasting of Ramadan is done do not deliver honest men, it means the quality is still limited to fasting people hungry and thirsty. Because fasting is done not reflect reflection honesty. If the fasting person, still willing to accept bribes from people seeking employment, means the quality of worship is still very low. If the fasting person, still want to mark up the project, corruption and collusion, which means fasting done is still far from the goal of fasting.

    If after the fasting of Ramadan, honesty gets thinner or disappear, extortion, corruption and collusion remains a habit, perhaps fasting is done not based on faith, but maybe he does only because it follows the tradition of fasting. To realize an honest man, need to increase awareness of faith and appreciation of God's presence. Without this effort, honesty was not born of the fasting person.

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