In the Qur'an, God often calls human beings to study the nature and watch the "verses" on them. All living and nonliving in the universe is filled "verses" which suggests that everything in the universe was created. In addition, this nature is a reflection of the omnipotence, Science and Creation Creator. It is mandatory for humans to understand these verses through his wits, so he eventually became a submissive servant of God.
In spite of all living creatures are revelations of God, there are a number of unique animals that are specifically mentioned in the Koran. One of them is a mosquito:
"Allah disdains not to use the similitude or lower than that. As for those who believe, they believe that it is the truth from their Lord, but those who disbelieve say:" Does God mean by this parable? "with this parable many who err, and the parable (too) many people who were his instructions. and there's no cause to err except those who transgress. "(Surat al-Baqarah, 2:26).
Perhaps many of us who consider mosquitoes as an ordinary insect, or even annoying because people like to disturb sleep. But the statement: "Allah disdains not to use the similitude or lower than it" should encourage us to think about the wonders of animals on this one.
Do Mosquitoes Eat Blood? Assumption many people that mosquitoes are blood-sucking and eating is not entirely true. Only the female mosquito that sucks blood and not the male. In addition, female mosquitoes suck blood not for their food needs. For both male and female mosquitoes, they live by eating the "nectar", which is a sweet liquid secreted by flowers of plants (flower honey cider). The only reason why female mosquitoes, and not the males, suck blood is that blood contains a protein required for the development and growth of mosquito eggs. In other words, female mosquitoes suck blood to maintain the viability of the species.
Do Mosquitoes Eat Blood? The process of development of mosquitoes is the most amazing event. Below is a brief description of the metamorphosis from larva tiny mosquito started by a number of different phases of development and eventually become adult mosquitoes.
Female mosquito to lay its eggs, which were fed in the form of blood in order to grow and develop, on damp leaves or ponds that do not runny in the summer or fall. Previously, female mosquitoes are exploring the region are very carefully using a highly sensitive receptor located in the stomach. After finding a suitable place, mosquitoes began to lay its eggs. Eggs whose length is less than 1 mm is placed on a regular basis to form an orderly line. Some mosquito species lay their eggs so that it is shaped like a canoe. Some colonies have eggs that consists of 300 pieces of eggs.
The eggs are white, then changes the color becomes darker, and within a few hours to a jet black. This dark color serves to protect the eggs not to be seen by insects or birds of prey. A number of other larvae also change color, adjust the color of the place where they are located, it serves as camouflage that are not easily seen by predators.
The larvae are changing color through various chemical processes that occur in her body. No doubt that the egg, larval and female mosquitoes are not creating your own or control the various chemical processes that cause these color changes with the passage of mosquito metamorphosis. It is impossible anyway if this complex system occurs by itself. The conclusion was that the mosquito has been created to complete along with the breeding system since the first time he was there. And the Most Perfect Creator is Allah.
Live as larvae
Do Mosquitoes Eat Blood? When the egg incubation period has elapsed, the larvae then get out of their eggs in about the same time. Larvae (mosquito larvae) which eat constantly is growing very rapidly and eventually skin covering his body became very tight and narrow. This does not allow his body to grow bigger again. It's a sign that they have to replace the skin. At this stage, the skin is hard and brittle is easily cracked and peeling. The larvae are experiencing the change of skin twice before completing the period of their lives as larvae.
Mosquito larvae obtain food in a way that is amazing. They make small whirlpools in the water by using the tip of their bodies are covered with feathers to look like a fan. The range of water causing bacteria and other micro-organisms sucked into the mouth and mosquito larvae. The process of breathing mosquito larvae, which reversed its position below the water surface, occurs through an aerial tube similar to "snorkel" (respiratory tube) is commonly used by divers. The body is thick discharge larvae are capable of preventing water to enter the venue for the breathing hole. Indeed, this sophisticated respiratory system may not be made by the larva itself. This is nothing but the evidence of the omnipotence of God and His mercy on this tiny creature, to be able to breathe easily.
When leaving the cocoon
In the larval stages (larvae), a change of skin once again. At this stage, the larvae move toward the end of their development the pupal stage (pupal stage). When the pupal skin already feels cramped and tight, this is a sign for the larvae to come out of its cocoon.
Do Mosquitoes Eat Blood? During the last change, larvae of the mosquito life-threatening challenges, namely the entry of water that can clog the airways. This is because the breathing holes, connected with the air pipe and poking above the water, will soon be closed. So since this closure, and so on, no longer breathing through the hole, but through two newly formed pipe in front of young mosquitoes. Not surprisingly, these two pipes to surface water before the turn of the skin occurs (ie, before the mosquitoes come out to leave the cocoon). Mosquitoes that are in a cocoon has now become mature and ready to go out and fly. This beast has been equipped with all organs and organelles such as antennae, legs, chest, wings, abdomen and large eyes.
Mosquito emergence from chrysalis cocoon begins with the tearing of the skin at the top. The biggest risk at this stage is the entry of water into the cocoon. Fortunately, the top of the cocoon is torn is coated by a special viscous liquid that serves to protect the head of a new mosquito "born" from contact with water. The days are very critical. For a very gentle breeze can berakibatkan death even if the young mosquitoes fall into the water. This young mosquitoes have to get out of its cocoon and climbs to the top surface of the water with his feet just touching the surface of the water.
Thus, it is often covered from our hearts to understand the greatness of God in his creatures that seem small and insignificant. If mosquitoes are small turned out to save the wonders of God's creation is so great, what about his being a larger and more often we see in everyday life? Wallaahu knows best.
In spite of all living creatures are revelations of God, there are a number of unique animals that are specifically mentioned in the Koran. One of them is a mosquito:
إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَسْتَحْيِي أَنْ يَضْرِبَ مَثَلًا مَا بَعُوضَةً فَمَا فَوْقَهَا فَأَمَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا فَيَعْلَمُونَ أَنَّهُ الْحَقُّ مِنْ رَبِّهِمْ وَأَمَّا الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا فَيَقُولُونَ مَاذَا أَرَادَ اللَّهُ بِهَذَا مَثَلًا يُضِلُّ بِهِ كَثِيرًا وَيَهْدِي بِهِ كَثِيرًا وَمَا يُضِلُّ بِهِ إِلَّا الْفَاسِقِينَ
Perhaps many of us who consider mosquitoes as an ordinary insect, or even annoying because people like to disturb sleep. But the statement: "Allah disdains not to use the similitude or lower than it" should encourage us to think about the wonders of animals on this one.
Do Mosquitoes Eat Blood? The process of development of mosquitoes is the most amazing event. Below is a brief description of the metamorphosis from larva tiny mosquito started by a number of different phases of development and eventually become adult mosquitoes.
Female mosquito to lay its eggs, which were fed in the form of blood in order to grow and develop, on damp leaves or ponds that do not runny in the summer or fall. Previously, female mosquitoes are exploring the region are very carefully using a highly sensitive receptor located in the stomach. After finding a suitable place, mosquitoes began to lay its eggs. Eggs whose length is less than 1 mm is placed on a regular basis to form an orderly line. Some mosquito species lay their eggs so that it is shaped like a canoe. Some colonies have eggs that consists of 300 pieces of eggs.
The eggs are white, then changes the color becomes darker, and within a few hours to a jet black. This dark color serves to protect the eggs not to be seen by insects or birds of prey. A number of other larvae also change color, adjust the color of the place where they are located, it serves as camouflage that are not easily seen by predators.
The larvae are changing color through various chemical processes that occur in her body. No doubt that the egg, larval and female mosquitoes are not creating your own or control the various chemical processes that cause these color changes with the passage of mosquito metamorphosis. It is impossible anyway if this complex system occurs by itself. The conclusion was that the mosquito has been created to complete along with the breeding system since the first time he was there. And the Most Perfect Creator is Allah.
Live as larvae
Do Mosquitoes Eat Blood? When the egg incubation period has elapsed, the larvae then get out of their eggs in about the same time. Larvae (mosquito larvae) which eat constantly is growing very rapidly and eventually skin covering his body became very tight and narrow. This does not allow his body to grow bigger again. It's a sign that they have to replace the skin. At this stage, the skin is hard and brittle is easily cracked and peeling. The larvae are experiencing the change of skin twice before completing the period of their lives as larvae.
Mosquito larvae obtain food in a way that is amazing. They make small whirlpools in the water by using the tip of their bodies are covered with feathers to look like a fan. The range of water causing bacteria and other micro-organisms sucked into the mouth and mosquito larvae. The process of breathing mosquito larvae, which reversed its position below the water surface, occurs through an aerial tube similar to "snorkel" (respiratory tube) is commonly used by divers. The body is thick discharge larvae are capable of preventing water to enter the venue for the breathing hole. Indeed, this sophisticated respiratory system may not be made by the larva itself. This is nothing but the evidence of the omnipotence of God and His mercy on this tiny creature, to be able to breathe easily.
When leaving the cocoon
In the larval stages (larvae), a change of skin once again. At this stage, the larvae move toward the end of their development the pupal stage (pupal stage). When the pupal skin already feels cramped and tight, this is a sign for the larvae to come out of its cocoon.
Do Mosquitoes Eat Blood? During the last change, larvae of the mosquito life-threatening challenges, namely the entry of water that can clog the airways. This is because the breathing holes, connected with the air pipe and poking above the water, will soon be closed. So since this closure, and so on, no longer breathing through the hole, but through two newly formed pipe in front of young mosquitoes. Not surprisingly, these two pipes to surface water before the turn of the skin occurs (ie, before the mosquitoes come out to leave the cocoon). Mosquitoes that are in a cocoon has now become mature and ready to go out and fly. This beast has been equipped with all organs and organelles such as antennae, legs, chest, wings, abdomen and large eyes.
Mosquito emergence from chrysalis cocoon begins with the tearing of the skin at the top. The biggest risk at this stage is the entry of water into the cocoon. Fortunately, the top of the cocoon is torn is coated by a special viscous liquid that serves to protect the head of a new mosquito "born" from contact with water. The days are very critical. For a very gentle breeze can berakibatkan death even if the young mosquitoes fall into the water. This young mosquitoes have to get out of its cocoon and climbs to the top surface of the water with his feet just touching the surface of the water.
Thus, it is often covered from our hearts to understand the greatness of God in his creatures that seem small and insignificant. If mosquitoes are small turned out to save the wonders of God's creation is so great, what about his being a larger and more often we see in everyday life? Wallaahu knows best.
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