Sunday, December 4, 2011

Keep Praying

Prayer means begging, begging means asking, asking means need, all we need, the needy, poor & humble before Allah. We all need Allah, His blessings, mercy, forgiveness, instructions, blessing & his help in all aspects of life (QS.35:15).

Prayer is Allah's command (QS40: 60), so granted or not the prayer have been VALUE of  Worship.

Allah's said, "There is no thing which can reject my fate except the prayer of my servants" (Hadith Qudsi)

That's how Allah loves & respects his servant who pray. "Increase prayer, I do not know when, where, what kind of situation your prayer is granted by Allah, especially during praying together, "min ayyi fammain tuqbal" from the mouth where the prayer is granted by Allah, as recommended by Prophet Muhammad. Subhanallah, keep pray my best friend.
READ MORE - Keep Praying

Friday, December 2, 2011

Prophet Ilyas and Angel

When at rest, there came an angel to the Prophet Ilyas alaihissalam. The angel came to pick up his spirit. Hearing the news, Ilyas became sad and crying.

"Why are you sad?" asked the angel of death.
"Don't know" Ilyas replied.

"Are you sad because would leave the world and fear of death?" asked the angel.

"No. There is nothings I regret, except for I regret that may no longer remembrance to Allah, while the living being can continue to dhikr and  praise to Allah," said Ilyas. 

That time then down the revelation of Allah to angels to postpone taking Prophet Ilyas's life and provide an opportunity for remembrance and dhikr to Allah in accordance with his request. Prophet Ilyas wanted to continue to live solely because to remembrance to Allah. So the Prophet Ilyas dhikr throughout his life.

"Let him live in the park to whisper and complain and dhikr to me until the end." The word of Allah.

We can take lesson from this story that, we live just to praise Allah and pray to Him. 

READ MORE - Prophet Ilyas and Angel