Thursday, November 17, 2011

Who Are We?? Part 5

Who is the person who is always duped?
People who always on the deception is young people who think that death applies only in older people.

Who is the most beautiful person?
The most beautiful person is a person who has good morals.

Who is the person who has the most extensive home?
Person who have the most spacious house is a dead person who brings good deeds where his grave will be disseminated as far as the eye could see.

Who is the person who has a house that narrowly squeezed?
Person who have narrow house is a dead person who does not bring goodness and charity then his grave squeezing.

Who is person who have the intellect?
Person who have the intellect are the people who inhabit heaven soon because they have used mind when in the world to avoid punishment of the Hell.
READ MORE - Who Are We?? Part 5

Who Are We?? PART 4

Who is the smart person?
People who is smart is people who is getting ready for the day of his death because the world is short-lived and is afterlife eternal

Who is the fool person?

A fool is one who tried desperately to his world while his neglected the afterlife.

Who is the person get ahead in life?
People who get ahead in life are the ones who constantly improve the knowledge of religion.

Who is the people who get back his life?
People who stepped down in his life is the one who does not care to be halal and haraam be something the matter.

Who is the person that crazy?
People who are crazy are people who do not prayers. Since only two conditions that will allow that person to leave a prayers, first if that person menstruation and second when that person doesn't wake up his mind (crazy).

Who is the losers?
The losers is people who have reached middle age but still hard to do the deeds of worship and goodness.

read also part 1, 2, and 3 
READ MORE - Who Are We?? PART 4

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Who Are We?? PART 3

We have read the first and second, now the third

Who is the sweet smile person?
People who have a sweet smile is a person who at one after disaster, and he said "Inna LILLAHI wainna illaihi rajiuun." Then she said, "Yes Robb I Ridho with this destiny", as he carved out a smile.

Who is the man who cried tears of pearls?

The man who cried tears of pearls is the ones who is in isolation and then remembering the greatness of God and repent of his sins and his tears flowed.

Who is rich person?
People who is rich is the people who give thanks to what lies and is not greedy for this ephemeral world pleasure.

Who are the poor persons?
People who is poor is people who does not satisfied with the existing favors, always collecting wealth and does not give thanks to Allah.
READ MORE - Who Are We?? PART 3

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Who Are We?? PART 2

 After we read the part 1, now we read the part 2

Who is the weak person?
Person who is weak is someone who sees immorality in front of his eyes will not have any hatred in his heart of it.

Who is the hunks person?
Person who is hunks is person who his tongue is heavy to read the shalawat toward the Prophet Muhammad

Who is the blind person?
Person who is blind is people who do not want to read and examine the greatness of the Qur'an and do not want to take lessons from it.

Who is the deaf person?

Person who is deaf is the person who was given the advice and good teaching, but he himself did not carry it out.

Who is the busy person?
the busy person is people who do not take any weight to his praying, as if they have a government like the government Prophet Sulayman alaihissalam
READ MORE - Who Are We?? PART 2

Who Are We??

Who is arrogant people?
Arrogant Peoples are peoples who have been given life but do not want to give prostrate on what makes his life, don't want to pray to Allah Almighty Lord of Alaamin, God of all nature. So glorify all that is on earth and heavens to his God except the arrogant jinn and humans.

Who is the dead heart people?
The person who has died his heart was the one who is guided through the verses of the Qur'an, the Hadith and the good story but feel no impression of anything in the soul to repent.

Who is dumb people?
People who are dumb are people who do not want to worship but thought that God would not torture him with negligence, and often felt calm with his sins.

Who is the strong people?
The strong man is one who can restrain anger, when it in anger.

READ MORE - Who Are We??

Friday, November 4, 2011


Abu Umaamah radiallahuanh said: "Prophet Muhammad has been suggested that we all learn the Qur'an, after that the Prophet Muhammad told about the advantages of the Qur'an."

The Prophet said: Learn the Qur'an, so in the Judgment day it will come to its members (who learn Qur'an), which at that time that those most in need. "

It will come with the most beautiful form, and asked, "Do you know me?" So people who've read would answer: "Who are you?"

Thus the Qur'an says: "I am that you love and you are flattered, and also had wake up every night for me and you've also read me at the time of day."

Then said people who read the Qur'an: "Are you the Qur'an?" Then the Qur'an recognizes and lead people who have read it to Allah Almighty Then that man is given the kingdom in the right hand and eternity in his left hand, then he put the crown on his head.

On both his father and his mother was a Muslim are given jewel which can not change with the world even changed doubled, so they asked: "Where did we get this all, in case we do not get this good?"

Then answered: "You were given this is all because your child have studied the Qur'an."


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Advantage Fasted On 10 Muharram

From Ibn Abbas said: Prophet Muhammad said: "Anyone who fasts on the Aasyura day (10 Muharram) then Allah will give him 10.000 angel's merit and who fasted on Aasyura day (10 Muharram) then it will be rewarded 10,000 people's merit who do pilgrimage and umrah,and 10,000 merit of people who martyrdom, and anyone who wipe the head of orphans in that day then Allah will raise by one degree every hair.And who gives food to people who break their fast on the day Aasyura , it is as if he fed the entire Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad who broke their fasted and filling their bellies. "

Then the companions asked the Prophet Muhammad: "O Prophet Muhammad, has Allah preferred Aasyura day than the other days?".

Then Prophet Muhammad said: "Yes, indeed, Allah created the heavens and the earth on the Aasyura day, making the sea on the Aasyura day, making the hills on the Aasyura day, made Prophet Adam and Eve (Hawa) on the Aasyura day, the birth of Prophet Ibrahim also on the Aasyura day, and Allah saved him from the fire also on the Aasyura day, Allah drowned Pharaoh (Fir'aun) on the Aasyura day, heal Prophet Ayyub's disease on the Aasyura day, Allah Almighty accept the repentance Prophet Adam on the Aasyura day, Allah forgives the sins of Prophet Daud on the Aasyura day, Allah restore the kingdom of Prophet Sulayman on the Aasyura day, and doomsday will happen also on the Aasyura day".
READ MORE - Advantage Fasted On 10 Muharram

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Devil's Sound which Tempting Faith

Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani was a Sufi scholars and experts who recognized the primacy and glory enough knowledge among Muslims. Because of his warak or close to Allah, many of his followers who exaggerated glorify it. Told one day Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani walk wander alone. In mengharungi scorching desert heat, he felt thirsty. Suddenly he saw a vessel of silver suspended in the air then slowly come down to him shrouded in the clouds above it.

It was told that there's supernatural voice in the sky: "O Abdul Qadir, drink the contents of this vessel. Today we have justified you to eat and drink everything that I've forbidden. And I had aborted all liability for you." said the supernatural voice.

As a knowledgeable person, Abdul Qadir know enough that the voices which similar to the revelation is just the Satan who tempting his faith strength.So he angry with it and said: "O you mal'un go from here. I am nothing more noble than the Prophet Muhammad in the sight of Allah.To The Prophet alone is imposible to apply such provisions. Goods that are forbidden by Allah remains forbidden forever, and the obligations of servant to him is never invalidated, including myself. " He said firmly.
READ MORE - Devil's Sound which Tempting Faith